Sistem Informasi Laporan Kinerja Pegawai Non PNSD Menggunakan Metode Management By Objectives (MBO)

  • Widelya Annisa Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang
Keywords: Information System, Performances, Employees, Werbsite, MBO


In carrying out government activities, Sako District is supported by elements of the Civil Servant Apparatus and Non PNSD (Honorary) Employees who are arranged in various positions with different duties and authorities. Currently, the process for managing PNS performance data already has a special system that refers to the assessment system from the central government, while non-PNS honorary employees still do not have a separate system and only rely on records in the performance report book. This causes several deficiencies, namely, the potential for errors in the process of recording performance data, also the potential for damage and loss of data (notebooks), as well as the potential for fraudulent practices because these data cannot be accessed or seen widely. Through this research, the authors see a solution, namely by building an Information System for Non PNSD Employee Performance Reports at the Sako District Office, Palembang City using the Management by Objectives (MBO) method where each employee will be assessed based on daily work achievements which will later be accumulated at each end. year, with the aim of assessing if employees achieve certain work targets they will still be retained as temporary employees in Sako Palembang District.


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